There are 5 filters currently available:

  • Keyword Search
  • Product Type
  • Strain Type
  • Flavour
  • Brands

To use the Keyword Search filter, enter the keyword you wish to search and click the eyeglass/search button (ie. Blueberry). This will search the product catalogue for all products with that keyword which are currently available.

To use the Product Type filter, click on the filter button and select the product category (ie. Pre-rolls) that you’re looking for.

Filtered Product Type “Pre-Rolls”:

To use the Strain Type filter, click on the filter button and select the strain type (ie. Sativa) that you’re looking for.

To use the Flavour Type filter, click on the filter button and select the flavour (ie. Berry) that you’re looking for.

To use the Brand filter, click on the 'Filter' button and select the brand (ie. Fireside) that you’re looking for.