If you have applied Custom Branding to your kiosk app and the changes are not showing on your tablet (after hitting refresh), then info might be missing.

After hitting 'Save & Publish', please scroll up and look for any red error messages.


This is the most common one:

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated


When this happens, it means that a ‘Hero Image’ or ‘Hero Video’ needs to be inputted.


To upload a photo:

1. Drop your file into the purple box; or Click on the purple box to select your image file

2. Scroll down and hit the ‘Save & Publish’ button

3. Go back to your tablet and refresh your browser to see the changes.


If you don’t have an eye-catching image to use, feel free to use this cool animated GIF!

To upload a video:

1. Checkmark ‘Use Video

2. Copy and paste your ‘Video URL’ into the field


If you do NOT have a Video URL available, you will need to upload your file into Google Drive first, then get the shareable link (URL).

1. Go to https://drive.google.com and sign in.

2. Click on the '+ New' button in the top left > select 'File Upload'

3. Find and select your video file > wait for it to finish uploading

4. After the video has been uploaded, the bottom right will say '1 upload complete' > click on the Folder icon below

5. Click 'Manage Access'

6. Under 'General Access', use the dropdown to select 'Anyone with the link'

7. Hit the 'Copy Link' button:

8. Hit 'Done'

9. Go back to Buddi's 'Kiosk: Custom Branding' area and right-click to select 'Paste' in the 'Video URL' field. That's it!

10. Don't forget to scroll down and hit 'Save and Publish'

11. Go back to your tablet and refresh your browser to see the changes.


Please see this article if you encounter any issues with adding a Video URL.