The Buddi application has 3 main user accounts for our retail clients:

  1. General Staff Account (for all staff)
  2. Admin Account / 'Retail Store Login' (for store managers / team leads)
  3. Master Admin Account (for the owner)*
    NOTE: older, single store accounts may not have a Master Admin Account configured*
  • Additional staff accounts can be created using an Admin Account.
  • Staff members can have various permissions allowing them to do different tasks inside of the Buddi application.

#1  General Staff Account (for all staff)

This login is used to access the Admin Portal > Order Queue to manage incoming orders. Here are the default permission settings for General Staff accounts:

  1. Customer Queue: User can see incoming orders from the floor and complete the order or cancel it.
  2. Customer Listing:  User can see customer profiles and review their purchase history and settings.
  3. Customer Service: User can help customers build shopping carts and walk them through the different products (in the Kiosk App.
  4. Age Verification: User can verify customer ages**
    NOTE: This feature is mainly for our Alberta retailers (for compliance). It is optional in other provinces**

Feel free to edit the permission settings as needed.
You may want to consider adding these permission settings to the General Staff account:

  • Manager: User can add and remove staff accounts and perform refunds***
  • Menu Access: User can add custom products, add items to the menu and adjust the pricing of menu items.
  • Refunds: User can perform refunds in the Order Queue. 'Refund Payment' will appear.

#2  Admin Account / 'Retail Store Login' (for store managers / team leads)

This account has full permission settings, including 'Manager', which allows the user to perform refunds in the Order Queue.

  • A red link will appear under the payment details: 'Refund Payment'

    NOTE: This feature used to be available in our General Staff accounts. A product update was made in April 2023 since refunds can be sensitive. The 'Refund Payment' link is no longer found in the Order Queue of General Staff accounts***
  • Since the latest June 2023 product update, staff accounts must have the 'Refunds' permission enabled to perform refunds.

Admins can also edit product content, apply Custom Branding, edit Store Settings (such as taxes and checkout messages / notifications), set up Promotions, and more.

'Retail Store Login' is used to sign into the Buddi Kiosk App. This account also has full Admin Account settings.


#3  Master Admin Account (for the owner)

  • This account has full Admin Account settings too.

  • The only possible difference is that the email/username is typically a functioning email address, for security purposes. This user has the ability to use the 'Forgot Your Password' function at the login screen.


Related article: Signing into the Admin Portal