***This article assumes that you have already added your stores in the AlpineIQ dashboard***

Video Tutorial: How to Connect Buddi x AlpineIQ

How to Connect Buddi x AlpineIQ

1. Log into your AlpineIQ dashboard and click Settings in the top left corner. 


2. Click on the API & Tracking section and copy your key. 

3. Log into the Buddi admin (app.buddi.io) and go to Store Management --> Store Settings

4. Select Club Membership  

5. Click allow customers to collect club points on orders for this store 

6. Click on AlpineIQ

7. Paste API key. Copy and Paste UID (see Step 2- UID is available in the API & Tracking section)

8. Click Fetch Stores and then select a store from the dropdown.

9. Hit Save

10. Repeat this process for each store you would you like to have customers collect AlpineIQ points (you will use the same UI and API key from the AlpineIQ Dashboard)